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Children’s playground rubber flooring

The ability to absorb the impact caused by children falling

Long life against atmospheric factors

Not using harmful chemicals for the environment and humans

Resistant to normal foot abrasions

High friction factor and prevent slipping in any weather conditions

Limited absorption of surface water

Dimensions and colors:
Available in dimensions of 50 x 50 and 100 x 100 cm with a thickness of 20-25-30 mm flat and 43 mm with a base.
Colors include: silver-green (jade, phosphor)-blue-brick-black-purple-pink
How to build and install:
Installation in a smooth concrete floor with a weight of 300 kg/m3 and a thickness of at least 10 cm.
with a slope of 1% in the direction of movement and passage of surface water
Installation and execution of flooring with polyurethane glue or screws and roll plates according to the needs of the installation site